Get guided strength & conditioning exercises designed by Maria Mountain MSc and tailored to your body to… relieve nagging hip pain, unlock hip mobilityprevent injury, play with powerful athleticism and mind-blowing consistency.

The Game Winning Goalie Formula™ is THE Go-To Development & Mobility Program for Amateur and Professional Ice Hockey Goalies around the world.

Throughout her career Maria has helped over 10,000 Amateur and Professional Ice Hockey Goalies.
Smooth Transitions & Improved Flexibility
“After using Maria's program I have had the smoothest transition from the gym onto the ice of my professional career. Her attention to detail of my specific needs elevated my strength and conditioning, eliminated a chronic injury and improved my flexibility.”
Off-Ice Regimen Gets On-Ice Success
“Before I started working with Maria I was kind of blindly trying to figure out strength and mobility for goalies. She totally has changed my off ice regimen and I feel like that has led to on ice success and something I’ve been looking for for a long time. If there was one thing I could tell my younger self it would be to seek out Maria sooner.”
Improved Speed In Net
“Since training with Maria, both my personal and team goalie coaches commented on my much improved speed in net which was an aspect of my game that lacked previously… I am able to play with more confidence knowing I can beat plays more effectively than before!
NCAA/NHL Drafted Goalie

Better Control In Awkward Positions
“Overall, I feel I have better control, especially in those awkward positions goalies can find themselves in. Maria does a great job of providing committed goalies the off-ice training they need to take their game to the next level.”

Are You Ready To Dominate Every Single Time You Step On The Ice!
8 Out Of 10 Goalies Secretly Feel They Could Have Done More To Earn A Win For Their Team. Sound Familiar?
Lessons From Olympic Champions: In my 25+ years as a Certified Exercise Physiologist I’ve had the opportunity to train Olympic Champions in 3 different sports and professional athletes from the NHL, MLB, NFL, CFL and more.
When I started working with Evan he told me he had really stiff hips.
He was told by the AAA coach who had just cut him that he needed to be faster if he was going to play at the next level.

In fact, the day I met him, his team had just lost 3-2 the night before.

He didn't sound great and I wanted to get a sense of his mindset, so I asked him to describe his day…

He woke up. The sting of last night's loss was still raw. Stiffness wracked his back and hips.

It took a moment before he was mobile enough to even stand upright as he shuffled to the bathroom.

His body was sore, and he was up in his own head.
He knew he should have had 2 of those 3 goals (he only faced 18 shots).

He told me he knew exactly what to do – he’d even worked on it in practice – but he just didn’t quite get there. Didn't move quite as fast as he knew he could. If he was honest about it, he struggled to play at the speed of the game – you know how it is.

I could hear the utter frustration in his voice.

In an effort to lift his mood – and ease the stiffness he was suffering – he did some stretches that morning. Feeling a bit better he even went to the gym at lunch and pushed himself to lift heavier weights than usual in an effort to get stronger and faster. “Hopefully that will help me get in front of more pucks” is what he told me.
Pumping iron was his tactic and hope was his strategy…
Later, at practice he admitted feeling a bit isolated. He got into his gear but avoided joining in on the conversation about last night's game with his teammates because he didn’t want to risk shifting the topic of conversation to his play.

The shadow of last night's loss was palpable.

When he stepped onto the ice, the coach started with a 15-minute bag skate. He felt responsible for it, even though his teammates told him it wasn’t his fault. He wanted to work on things in practice, but it was focussed on the skaters instead. Plus, every time that puck snuck past the posts, those feelings of doubt came flooding back.

He was fighting with himself instead of the opposition.

At this point, playing at the next level seemed like a pipe dream.

Evan shared what so many other goalies before him have told me.

He knew there were a million things he could work on, but he had no idea which actions were the right ones for him.

That’s exactly why I created the Game Winning Goalie Formula.
I'll Show You How To Turn Into A Brick Wall Even If You're Undersized.
As we started to work together, things started to change, massively…

Two months in, I caught up with Evan – after another 3-2 loss oddly enough – so I went through the ‘describe your day’ exercise with him again, and the changes were jaw-dropping…

He got out of bed feeling good about his performance. He faced 42 shots that night and two of the goals came on the PK.

It's true, the loss still kinda sucked, but this time he knew exactly what he did wrong. It was a small technical issue he had been working on and improving.

He was no longer buffeted by the storm of emotion based on wins and losses. He was on mission day in and day out… Follow the plan to become the best goalie he could be.

He had a healthy breakfast and hit the gym at lunch knowing exactly what to do. Every single exercise, how many sets, reps, what tempo to use, every detail. He didn’t have to think or guess, he just had to commit to the plan.

He knew that with every mobility, strength, speed and stamina session he would build his on-ice toolbox.
Evan found the key to unlocking his superpowers. And it’s not just Evan who saw this kind of transformation.
After only 2-months he was amazed at more than just a few saves he had no business making. (His coaches and teammates were amazed too!)

Now, when Evan steps on the ice he is no longer concerned about what others might be thinking. He is completely focussed on practising that new glove position, playing with a new-found freedom and being able to move with speed & precision.
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The Game Winning Goalie Formula Decoded…
The Game Winning Goalie Formula™ is THE go-to development & mobility program for amateur and professional ice hockey goalies around the world.

And that's because it's designed to meet you wherever you're at on your Goalie journey – just like it did for Evan.

The outcome is simple: To give you guided strength and conditioning exercises that are tailored to your unique body that will develop you for where you at.

You'll finally be able to relieve nagging hip pain, unlock hip mobility, prevent injury, and play with powerful athleticism and mind-blowing consistency.

In fact, it's exactly how goalies from minor hockey, adult leagues, junior hockey, college and the pro levels all see results on the ice. By doing the RIGHT training for where you are currently at now.

The Game Winning Goalie Formula solves the 3 biggest problems that prevent Goalies from really transforming and progressing:

  • Problem 1: Freedom of hip mobility and being strong in compromising positions.

  • Problem 2: Easily getting gassed under high pressure (like the penalty kill) or in the 3rd period where you lose your focus and your speed.

  • Problem 3: A lack of technical tools – like when you convinced you're covering the upper corner and the shooter finds a hole – and pro habits to draw from to keep you focussed and ready for the next shot.
The first problem we'll solve together is an issue that almost every Goalie I've ever worked with faces. Unlocking your mobility. 

And mobility is not just about being able to do the splits. It shows up in the stiffness you feel the day after the game. It radically changes how long you can trust your edges, improving your patience with every shot you face. And it shoots your confidence levels into the stratosphere – I'm sure you're familiar with the unconscious fear that comes along with trying to make a long reach to the post without tearing something in the process. Knowing that isn't an issue for you is literally a game changer.

  1. We'll start with flexibility movements
    Job #1 is making sure you can move the way a Goalie needs to move. Can your body get into the positions it needs to get into, when you're not under any pressure at all? You'll set your hips free so that they'll do what you need them to do on the ice without even thinking about it.

  2. Next, we'll layer on stability workouts
    Being flexible only gets you so far. You might be able to risk your groin and make that reaching save, but without a strong base of stability, is your flexibility functionally useable on the ice? It means you have strength and control through your entire range of motion. It means you can easily get back to that compact ready position after the desperation save. I call it 'strength at length'.

  3. There's a final piece of the puzzle that most Goalies aren't even aware of. It's called contortion control.
    That's what gets you in the highlight reels. It's the ability to make a series of post to post saves while you're off balance, and still managing to get your glove on the puck. You'll feel your whole body working together to find the puck.
The result? You'll be able to get your body into, and more importantly out of any position you need to get into to make the save – without even thinking about it… All while dramatically reducing your risk of injury and accelerating your post-game recovery.
“The biggest improvements I've noticed have been the range in my hips, along with newfound explosiveness around the crease… My butterfly flare has increased a whole 7cm.
– JD Low, AAA Goalie
I got a huge change in my game when I started the Gaming Winning Goalie Formula. My mobility has never been better, I can touch my toes and have been told my a hockey scout ‘it’s been night and day how much you’ve improved in 2 months’.
– T Mabee, High School Goalie
My butterfly flare is now way bigger. I'm not a huge guy, so that extra butterfly width is important to me… I've never been able to get into the splits in my life. Now I can hang out in the splits.”
– J Noonan, FHPL Goalie
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Second, let's attack the fitness problem.

Now hear me out – most Goalies I work with have great cardio. They run, they swim, and their cardio is pretty good. But that's not what I'm talking about when I talk about Goalie Fitness. When you're in the game and you're under duress. The opposition is taking shot after shot. You're down in your butterfly and you're up on your skates. You're reaching from post to post. Maybe your quads start to burn. But the dead giveaway is when you know exactly what you need to do and where you need to be but you just can't seem to get there – your body seems to respond a fraction of a second too slow. That's Goalie Fitness.

  1. First, we'll start with your functional strength.
    Goalies need to be strong. And you don't get 'goalie-strong' by doing hundreds of pushups and sit-ups or random weights in the gym. I'll help you build the strength that helps you perform on the ice because not only will you make your big muscles stronger, but your body will learn how to dynamically stabilize your joints so you can use that strength and power in the crease.

  2. Next, we'll work on your speed & agility.
    Functional strength is the fuel that feeds your speed and agility. It's what lets you play with patience because you can beat the pass on your feet. Speed and agility are skills. I will give you the exact drills you need to be fast and agile.

  3. Then, we'll build stamina – Goalie stamina.
    Goalies are repeat sprinters. With stops and starts, and changes of direction thrown in for good measure. Long runs and bike rides won't do the trick – and even your practices don't train the energy system you need to perform in games (we all know practice is for the skaters). I'll show you how to build the stamina you need to be as explosive at the end of the game as you are at the start – even if it goes into overtime.
By now we'll have worked on freeing up your body, and building a new foundation of strength, speed, agility and stamina into your game. You'll start seeing the game slow down. You'll be set for the shot and able to read the release. You might even become one of those boring goalies who look like they always get hit by the puck in the middle of the chest. But when things go sideways and you have to make a desperation save, you're the Goalie who finds a way to keep the puck out of your net. Because now you're the game changer.
I’ve also seen a major improvement in my stamina. Without a doubt I would not have had the stamina to hang on during our double OT gold medal provincials win without this program.
– LJ Gibbs, Adult Goalie
Since starting the GWGF my speed on the ice has been so crazy. I can now beat the pass to the shooter giving me more time to read and react! After the first week of practices everyone is bending over gasping for air and I’m the only one standing straight up.
– T Metzger, Adult Goalie
“Since starting the GWGF my speed on the ice has increased to a point where I have to improve my braking technique both standing up and sliding not to overshoot the play.”
– J Fortes Da Cruz, Adult Minor Pro Goalie
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The third and final problem we'll solve together is this. Unless you're a pro goalie, it's highly unlikely you're going to be able to draw all of the key technical AND tactical aspects of your game together to know exactly what you need to work on and develop, right now, for the stage you're at – let alone what you need to do next. Let's fix that.

Let me bring my decades of experience and my personal relationships with elite goalie coaches all over the world to you – to prescribe exactly what you need to work on. You're literally getting pro-level experience at group coaching prices. It's the tactics in your pocket that most goalies just dream of.

  1. First up, we'll focus your mindset.
    We'll unpack everything from how you defend the blue paint in the game, to how you train, to building rock solid confidence in your purpose and your in-game consistency. When you see yourself as a brick wall, and you have the techniques along with the tactics to deploy them – teams will be fighting to make you their starting goalie.

  2. Then, we'll be looking at your nutrition.
    What you drink and what you eat will literally transform your muscle fibres to let you do things like reaching further, improving your energy and recovery, increasing your Goalie Fitness faster, building speed and strength – and even helping you think more clearly.

  3. Finally, we'll build the technical aspects of your game.
    Using our vault of coaching resources you'll have access to lessons from some of the top Goalie Coaches in the world including Thomas Magnusson, Michael Lawrence, Brian Daccord, Michael Garmin, Josh Robinson, Justin Goldman and more. You'll be able to tweak things that need tweaking, and arm yourself with an arsenal of technical and tactical weapons that you can deploy at will.
When you consistently work on these technical and tactical aspects of your game – and trust the process to prepare your mind and your body to play the toughest position in all of sport… You will step out on the ice with confidence. You'll have the freedom to play your own game. And you'll get consistent results. Shot after shot. Game after game.
“I didn't expect the GWGF to have such an impact on my Life! It’s not just a goalie thing. The GWGF really takes you and your life into account and helps make you a better human. The support in the group is unparalleled.”
– K Juretic, Adult Goalie
I started in net at 24 and I'm currently 43 and it's crazy that I'm playing the best hockey in my life… Every single season I say to myself "Wow this has been my best season yet!" I have Maria to thank for that. Her philosophy to build a stronger, durable goalie is exactly what I am looking for so I can have longevity in the position. Her programs are easy to follow, she's highly responsive and always willing to help. If you're motivated & willing to do the work, you won't be disappointed!”
– K Chen, Beer League Goalie
“The best thing about the GWGF is The community of goalies all striving to be the best goalie they can be and helping each other through their ups and downs.”
– C Sanderman, AAA Goalie
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This is how
You relieve nagging hip pain.
You unlock hip mobility.
You prevent injury and build strength at length when you're making those reaching saves.
You play with powerful athleticism and mind-blowing consistency.
Your body does exactly what you want it to, and your game goes from know what you should be doing, to actually doing it.
You become that elusive brick wall that stuns your coach & your team, leaves the opposition speechless, and even surprise yourself with your own ability.

Most Goalies are only a few techniques and strategies away from becoming the go-to Goalie in their league. Any one of these things can move the needle immediately for you and for your game. And my experience is that ONE of these things is going to resonate with you and stand out as the BIG opportunity for you specifically… So we'll be able to spend more time on that one with you.

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    I've called this program the Game Winning Goalie Formula

      Because that's what it is. That is our focus here. The Game Winning Goalie Formula™ is a proven strength & conditioning program that shrinks your G.A.A. without any guesswork whatsoever.

      There are literally hundreds of things you could be doing – but knowing which ones are what you need to do, right now, to transform your game…

      …Well that takes decades of experience.

      I'm ready to begin working with your right away… And I'm inviting you to join.

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        Here's how it will work

          This is not like other downloadable programs that you'll find online.

          The Game Winning Goalie Formula gives you proven training plans based on your age, ability, experience and goals PLUS you get direct access to Maria Mountain whenever you need help.

          You'll receive a specific training plan. We'll be getting together weekly to work on your progress. You'll join a Team of Goalies who will champion you and you'll get coaching from me.

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            Here's what's included

              1. SV% Boosting Workout Plans

              We don’t call it the Game Winning Goalie Formula for nothing. Transforming your MOBILITY, FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH, SPEED AND STAMINA ON THE ICE is the heart of the GWGF. Your training will be periodized so you continue to progress and develop from month to month without hitting any frustrating plateaus.

              When your body can move the way you need it to move and when you start making saves where even you are saying “HOW did I DO that?”, things get pretty exciting, your confidence grows, you play with more patience.

              I know training can get boring, especially when you aren’t seeing dramatic results on the ice. The Game Winning Goalie Formula monthly training progressions combined with the results you will see on the ice keep it fresh and keep you coming back for more.

                2. Online Group Coaching From Maria Mountain

                I am a Coach first and foremost; I know firsthand the huge difference in results you get when work smart vs. just working hard. I want you to succeed, so I am going review your training schedule each and every week to make sure you have the right volume based on what else is going on in your life whether that be school, hockey, work, etc.

                You are never more than a few hours away from the answers you need, there are two ways to get in touch with me directly:

                • Direct attention every week in your live coaching call.
                  It's the perfect time to go over exercise technique live, to chat about any issues you are having with your training, and to learn from and share successes with your GWGF teammates.
                • 24/7 in your private coaching group on Facebook.
                  I'm in this group 6 days per week to review your training schedule, check on your personal accountability thread and to answer any specific questions you have. Not sure of the right technique? Not sure your nutrition is on-point? Feeling like your training load is too hard or too easy? Just ask.
                  3. Goaltender Pro Tactics Development Curriculum

                  This is where we look at your on-ice techniques and strategies, puck handling, your nutrition, your mental game, the science behind why we train the way we do… and more.

                  Understanding and implementing these 'pro tactics' are revelationary for every Goalie I've ever worked with – especially if you're looking to play up a grade.

                  These lessons are presented by Goalie-gurus including:
                  • The 3 Phases Of The Save
                    with Director of Swedish Goaltending Development, Thomas Magnusson

                  • Game Winning Confidence
                    with Pete Fry

                  • Game-Winning Nutrition
                    with Mariah Fujimagari

                  • What Scouts Are Looking For 
                    with Brian Daccord

                  • On-Ice Quiet Feet
                    with Michael Lawrence

                  • Puck handling 101
                    with Josh Robinson and many more…
                  4. The Game Winning Goalie Formula™ Team of Goalies

                  Being a goalie is isolating. Your coaches and teammates think being a goalie is so easy that you don’t even get a workout on the ice! They even joke that now you need to go get your own workout in.

                  Fact. Only a goalie understands a goalie.

                  And only a goalie understands the struggles you go through every season. That’s where the Game Winning Goalie Formula Team of Goalies comes in.

                  Across all ages and levels of ability, we all experience the same highs and lows. But it isn’t until you are part of a team of goalies (more of a family really) who really GET IT, that you appreciate that it’s not just you. Trust me, it helps more than you can begin to imagine.

                    5. Video Training & Tutorial Vault For Every Single Exercise

                    If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing properly. That’s why I’ve created video tutorials showing you in detail, exactly how to perform every single exercise in your workout plan.

                    All of the exercises on your tailored workout PDF are linked, so you just tap for immediate access. You'll learn at a pro-level exactly how you need to be targeting and activating the right muscles, and what your form should be so that you're getting the most beneficial training results.

                    You’ll also be asked to do technique check-ups just to make sure.

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                      So here’s a little insider secret…

                      Sometimes we select Goalies to turn into killer case studies. My hope is that you’re one of those Goalies. We want to maximize the time we work together SO THAT you can maximize your results. The more you stick to the plan, the more you lean in and engage, the more consistent you are… the more I’ll work with you.

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                        How much?

                        We're going to be working closely together, so I'd like you to be sure you have at least 3 hours each week to dedicate to this over the time we work together.

                        The total cost is $247/mth for a 4 month commitment (and yes there is a student discount) – but for now, I don't want your money. I just want you to apply so that we can make sure we truly help you and not waste your time.

                        I would love to coach you!

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                          Help me Maria! I'm just a poor student!

                          If you are a student enrolled full time at a secondary school or college / university, I have some great news for you. I will subsidize 30% of your fees. The student membership rate is $167 USD/mth for a 4 month commitment.

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                            The P.S.

                            Any time you invest time and money to work with a coach, there’s a risk. Right? What if it doesn’t work? What if it’s not as good as she said? What if Maria's a weirdo liar?

                            So let’s look at the best and worst case scenarios.

                            Best Case: Over the next 12 months you transform your hip mobility and relieve relieve nagging hip pain. You'll build strength at length, and play with athleticism and consistency. You'll make saves that surprise even yourself. You'll become the sought-after Goalie everyone in your league wants.

                            That’s the best case.

                            But what about the worst case?

                            Worst case: Maybe it doesn’t work. Maybe you’re a few weeks in and decide it’s not for you. Or the content isn't quite right, or maybe you jumped in too soon.

                            In which case, let me make this super easy for you with my Work For Free Guarantee.

                            Complete your first 30 days in the Game Winning Goalie Formula. After that, if you don’t see results on the ice, I’ll work with you 1:1 until you do. The only condition is that you participate in the program fully. Your worst case scenario is you’ll have learnt a bunch of new training techniques, and you’ll get private coaching from me until you see actual results on the ice. You can't not improve!

                            The truth is, I know the Game Winning Goalie Formula works. I've seen it time and time again with Goalies who complete their first 30 days in in the program. They make HUGE strides in their performance. That's why I'm 100% confident I can make you this offer.

                            In fact, I've seen Goalies go from College into the NHL, and from Adult Leagues to Minor Pro! It's that powerful.

                            I’ve purposely created Game Winning Goalie Formula so that it's not only accessible, but so that there’s no risk to you.

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                              Who is the Game Winning Goalie Formula For?
                              Goalies who are 14 years of age and up.
                              Goalies who live anywhere in the world and want access to elite level training.
                              Goalies who do not want to waste their window of development taking a trial and error approach.
                              Goalies who want to continue playing the sport they love for as long as possible.
                              Goalies who believe they have untapped potential, but just don't know how to unlock it.
                              Goalies who struggle with playing consistently.
                              Goalies who do workouts with their team, but don’t get the goalie-specific training that keeps them explosive and healthy.
                              Goalies who need more mental strength.
                              Goalies who play on a really bad team and want to stand out to scouts.
                              Goalies who are on a limited budget and don’t want to waste their time, money and energy working on things that won’t translate onto the ice.
                              Goalies who lack the confidence of their coaches and teammates and want to start making more saves in practice and winning more games.
                              Goalies who are undersized and want to prove they deserve the start.
                              Goalies who travel for work and need effective workouts with minimal equipment.
                              Goalies who are good, but believe they can be GREAT!
                              Goalies who are under the age of 14.
                              Goalies who are not willing to actually do the program.
                              Goalies who don’t believe they will see outstanding on-ice results after following a specific off-ice training program.
                              Goalies who are okay with being unreliable and inconsistent for their team.
                              Goalies who don’t mind dealing with recurring injuries.
                              Goalies who have been told by their physiotherapist or medical doctor that you should NOT engage in physical activity.
                              Goalies who do not know how to click on a link to open a file on your computer.
                              Goalies who think having sore hips, knees and ankles is normal.
                              Goalies who are looking for a potion, pill or powder to help them achieve their potential rather than an off-ice goalie specific training program.
                              Goalies who are not willing to ask Coach Maria for help anytime they need it.
                              Goalies who wish they could play at the next level, but don’t want to take action to make it happen.
                              Goalies who don’t believe you have the potential to be a better goalie.
                              What our Goalies say.
                              After using her program I have had the smoothest transition from the gym onto the ice of my professional career.
                              I have been able to achieve my training goals and be more confident because of that.
                              I was able to lose weight while gaining speed and strength.
                              Those tools have directly transitioned to the ice and my coaches and teammates have noticed.
                              It’s like Neo at the end of the Matrix, everything is just slowed down and I’m just “there” in position where I need to be.
                              You know Maria’s workouts are working when the puck is behind the net, you push to the other post and get there a good second faster than normal and knock the net off completely.
                              I was not only able to make it to Jr A and become the starting goalie, but become goalie of the year and commit to an NCAA D1 program.
                              I felt huge improvements on my speed, stamina and mobility on the ice.
                              Having the confidence that your body can perform at a high level day in and day out, over the course of the season is priceless.
                              The biggest difference is not only my mobility and flexibility, but also leg and core strength.
                              I’m surprised by my speed and explosiveness even in outer range movements.
                              My body is now able to keep up and thrive with the technical challenges of a modern goalie style.
                              The biggest change I have noticed is my ability to play patient.
                              I can now beat the pass to the shooter giving me more time to read and react!
                              I can now make those stretched out side of the net saves, and I am way stronger on my edges and overall push length.
                              I can’t believe the improvement in my stamina.
                              After the first week of practices everyone is bending over gasping for air and I’m the only one standing straight up looking at the next drill.
                              I didn’t expect the training to have so much impact on my mental state – it feels great to know I am prepared physically and it helps me settle my nerves and mind on the ice.
                              I can say that this saved my season.
                              Now I'm 4-0 with a 1.25 GAA and .923 SV%.
                              I felt like I could run a few miles after kicking my skates off.
                              Today I woke up with no ill feelings in my joints and muscles.
                              These exercises 100% fixed my lower back pain and stiffness I was experiencing during games.
                              I instantly saw progress in the right direction.
                              I've felt like a different goalie week after week.
                              The strength portion of my training has made me feel more quick and explosive.
                              The mobility workouts have me feeling looser on the ice and able to get second opportunities I didn’t think possible in the past.
                              I’ve increased my butterfly flare which is critical to covering the low part of the net.
                              Improvements in both my side-to-side speed and power on those long movements from one side of the crease to the other.
                              I have better control, especially in those awkward positions goalies can find themselves in.
                              I do not tire as easily.
                              My mobility and stamina are far better than I could have imagined in such a short period of time.
                              My speed on the ice has been so crazy.
                              My jaw dropped at the rate I was able to recover and follow the puck.
                              My hips feel pain free!
                              My hips used to be tight every time I played and now I have no tightness at all.
                              The exercises are just what goalies need – it removes the guesswork.
                              I am able to play with more confidence knowing I can beat plays more effectively than before!
                              Both my personal and team goalie coaches commented on my much improved speed in net.
                              Your training regime has not only changed my hockey career but also my day to day life.
                              My mobility has never been better.
                              I’ve never felt more athletic and stable than now.
                              My butterfly flare has increased a whole 7cm.
                              The biggest improvements have been the range in my hips, along with newfound explosiveness around the crease.
                              I’ve noticed the increase in my agility.
                              Everyone noticed a difference in the way I moved and how quick I was.
                               I have even more confidence and feel great!
                              I have become a more confident person both on and off the ice.
                              I’ve seen a major improvement in my stamina.
                              My butterfly flare is now way bigger.
                              Now I can hang out in the splits.
                              I feel way more powerful from a higher stance.
                              My butterfly recoveries are more automatic now because of the stamina in my legs.
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                               Copyright © 2023 GoalieTrainingPro.com
                              Privacy · Terms 